Mack Ave Improvement Plan
Building a stronger commercial corridor.
The Mack Ave Improvement Plan is a shared vision for urban design-based business and economic redevelopment, that provides a strategic framework for building a stronger commercial corridor, one step at a time. The plan phases examine the portion of Mack Avenue running from Conner Street to Moross Road, through the cities of Detroit, Grosse Pointe Park, Grosse Pointe, and Grosse Pointe Farms.
Request for Qualifications and Proposals (RFQ/P): Mack Avenue Streetscape
Eastside Community Network (ECN), the convening organization of the Mack Avenue Strategy Committee, which includes representatives from ECN and the cities of Detroit, Grosse Pointe Park, Grosse Pointe, and Grosse Pointe Farms, seek qualified planning and engineering teams to submit proposals for a comprehensive streetscape plan for Mack Avenue between Connor and Moross. This builds upon our collective work creating and implementing the resulting recommendations from Phases I & II of the Mack Avenue Improvement Plan.
Plan Phases
Phase I
Phase I of the Mack Avenue Improvement Plan was completed in 2018 through a partnership between the Eastside Community Network (ECN) and VENTRA Group LLC, funded by the JP Morgan Chase Foundation. Phase I studied the demographic, transportation, physical and economic conditions along the corridor from Conner Avenue to Neff Road as the foundation for a strategic framework for physical improvements to the corridor.
The recommendations in the framework focused on best practices for specific types of streetscaping improvements, building renovations, site renovations, vacant space activation, and new construction standards.
Phase II
Phase II of the Mack Ave Improvement Plan began in late 2019. This project expands on the Phase I plan, focusing on the next segment of Mack Avenue between Cadieux Road and Moross Road. The overall goal of this planning process was to develop a set of recommendations for economic development, zoning, and physical improvements to the built environment that will advance the public’s vision for the future of Mack Avenue.
This plan is meant to complement, rather than duplicate or replace the recommendations of the Phase I plan. Many of the recommendations build on those provided in Phase I, and may be appropriate to implement corridor-wide.