Eastside Community Network’s
Electric Vehicle Carshare
About the Service
ECN’s Electric Vehicle Carshare is a membership-based service that provides residents with access to an electric vehicle (EV) at a low-cost, hourly or daily rental rate. Our mission is to provide climate friendly, accessible and affordable transportation options to the community.
The car share vehicles are stationed at ECN’s EV Charging Stations — located at the rear entrance of Stoudamire Wellness Hub.
Join Today!
You can join our car share by signing up on the MDO Carshare App (in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store). A $10 Membership Fee is required to join. Follow the links below to get started!
A Simple Sign-up Guide
for Carshare Membership
✺ Frequently asked questions ✺
This section answers questions and concerns frequently presented by current and prospective carshare members. Don’t see the answer to your question here? Contact Arena Johnson at ajohnson@ecn-detroit.org for more information.
MDO Carshare is a membership- based carsharing service providing access to electric vehicles on an hourly basis. As a member, you can book a car by downloading the MDO Car Share app on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
Our carshare EV’s cost $5 per hour plus tax. Also, you will be charged a one-time $10 application fee. Mobility Development staff will be in touch with you to confirm this fee before charging you. There is no annual membership fee.
Insurance, vehicle maintenance and roadside assistance are all included in the hourly and daily rates. In the event of an accident, you are responsible for a $500 deductible. You will be fully responsible for the cost of any third-party claims in the event that MDO’s third-party insurance coverage is invalidated due to your failure to follow procedure).
Members will have their Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) reviewed and must be 21 or older with a valid driver’s license, no major accidents, no major moving violations, no DUIs and/or DWIs, and not more than 2 minor traffic violations in the last 5 years.
Download the MDO Carshare app on Apple or Google Play, create an account, and enter the requested information. After paying a one time $10-processing fee and either an acceptance or rejection email will be sent within 3-7 business days after the initial sign up.
If the applicant is approved, a follow-up email will be sent to coordinate scheduling a 15 to 20 minute over-the-phone orientation. After the orientation, the application process is complete and you can make your first reservation.
The EV Car Share vehicles will be located at the rear entrance of the Stoudamire building, near the handicap parking. The vehicles and parking stalls will have the MDO Car Share logo on them. The license plate information of the vehicle you booked will also be located in the MDO Carshare app.
Lock and unlock your reserved vehicle via your smartphone through the MDO CarShare app. You won’t need any keys!
There is a cap on how many miles are included per reservation and after you reach your limit of 150 miles per trip there will be a charge of .40 cents per mile. Remember that you are driving an electric vehicle and it has a certain range of miles it can go before it needs to be recharged.
Be sure to download the Plugshare app that will showcase the different charging stations in the area, if the vehicle needs to be recharged and you can not make it back to home base (you will need to pay for charging at other charging stations outside of the homebase at the Stoudamire).
Our carshare vehicles are meant to be shorter rentals on an hourly/daily basis. We do not encourage long term rentals.
Our cars will be available during Eastside Community Network’s operational hours.
Monday - Thursday: 9:00am - 8:00pm
Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday: 10:00am - 3:00pm
Sunday: Closed. (Not available) -
If you know that you are going to be late, log on to your app to see if you can extend your booking. Always wait for a confirmation page. If someone has the car immediately after you, your extension will not go through, and you should call us to avoid getting a penalty on your account. We will help make arrangements to accommodate your late return for the next member. If you are the member who is waiting, we will contact you as soon as we know your car might be late.
This is unusual, but does happen occasionally. Call us immediately at the member services number listed at the bottom of this page, and we will help you locate the car, move you to another car, or do our best to get you to your destination another way.
MDO Carshare only allows service animals in the vehicles, and members must provide certification of their service animal credentials ahead of their reservation.
Smoking is not allowed in any carshare vehicles. Evidence of smoking in a vehicle (odor or residue from butts or ashes) will result in a warning and you will be charged a $100 fee. Repeated violations of this rule will result in termination of your membership indefinitely.
If there has been an accident, call 911 or the police, just as you would for any car crash or fender bender. Make sure everyone involved is safe or being cared for. Then call us immediately at the member services number listed at the bottom of this page and we will help you. In all cases you must contact us before continuing your trip. In the majority of cases, we will require you to wait and obtain a police report).
Call member support immediately.
As an MDO Carshare member, you and any passengers that ride with you are covered by our insurance. However, if it is discovered that a non-member has driven a car, the member risks possible termination of membership.
If the vehicle you reserved is dirty when you pick it up please report it immediately in the app, or email support@mobilitydevelopment.org. Please include the date and time of your booking along with a description of the mess and any supporting photos. There is also a QR code in the vehicle that can be scanned to report any mess, items left behind, etc. that may have occurred before you booked the vehicle.
Call our 24/7 Member Services Line and we will dispatch roadside assistance to get you on your way.
Members can drive up to 4 passengers in the car during their reservation.