ECN Reports
Annual Reports
Community Plans & Reports
Renewing Low-Density Neighborhoods Through Off-Site GSI Investments - Proof of Concept
This feasibility study describes how the city of Detroit can promote offsite stormwater drainage to renew low density neighborhoods — improving vacant land in those empty communities. Through the study, a set of policy recommendations and conceptual GSI designs were developed to steer future developments.
Lower Eastside Action Plan - Phase I
The Phase I planning process and report identified property types, outlined projects to be implemented in the LEAP impact area, and highlighted land use policies that will guide and/or impact implementation.
Lower Eastside Action Plan - Phase II
Phase II of LEAP allowed the strategies developed in Phase I to be reviewed, tested and refined. The Phase II report focuses on that vetting process, as well as its future directions and land use policies deemed necessary to continue the reinvention of the Detroit’s lower east side.
Lower Eastside Action Plan - Phase III
The LEAP Steering Committee engaged 450 residents in the Phase III planning process, resulting in this plan - which lays our a ten-year land use vision and action plan, and integrates critical asset mapping of the entire LEAP area.
Strengthening & Transforming the Eastside - Capstone Report
The Strengthening & Transforming the Eastside Capstone Report was developed alongside LEAP III. This report provides implementation guidelines for LEAP Phase III’s two goals: (1) Strengthening the Chandler Park Neighborhood and (2) Transforming Open Space.