Upcoming events.

Eastside Housing Resource Fair
During the fair, we will also be providing COVID-19 vaccinations and seasonal vaccinations; childcare resources; and transportation to and from the event. Follow the link below to sign up for vaccinations and childcare. Contact our front desk at (313) 571-2800 to schedule transportation to the event.

LEAP Winter Festival
Join ECN and the LEAP Stakeholder Advisory Group for a holiday celebration!
Kwanzaa Dinner • LEAP Elections • Holiday Activities • Family Photos
For more information, contact Savana Brewer at 313.264.1413 or brewer@ecn-detroit.org

Join us for our City of Detroit Homeowner Property Tax Exemption (HOPE) and Detroit Water & Sewage Department’s Lifeline Plan Application assistance days!
You can apply to have part or all of your 2022 property taxes exempted, begin the Lifeline application process, and ask questions about various assistance programs during this session.
RSVP and schedule your appointment by visiting the link below and selecting “Eastside Community Network.”
Please contact Sparkle Berry, Sustainable Homes Coordinator, at sberry@ecn-detroit.org or (313) 264-1416 with any questions.

Join us for our City of Detroit Homeowner Property Tax Exemption (HOPE) and Detroit Water & Sewage Department’s Lifeline Plan Application assistance days!
You can apply to have part or all of your 2022 property taxes exempted, begin the Lifeline application process, and ask questions about various assistance programs during this session.
RSVP and schedule your appointment by visiting the link below and selecting “Eastside Community Network.”
Please contact Sparkle Berry, Sustainable Homes Coordinator, at sberry@ecn-detroit.org or (313) 264-1416 with any questions.